2023-12-23 NIH, CDC, and NIEHS Abandon Those Suffering from Continuous EMF Radiation Exposure

On November 8, 2023, BBILAN and some of its allied lawyers and scientists sent a letter to the NIH, CDC, and National Institute for Environmental Health Science (NIEHS) proposing a public/private partnership to establish a National Registry to address the plight of those suffering from continuous, cumulative EMF radiation exposure. This rapidly expanding population may encompass up to 50% of the U.S. population when we account for the well-documented link between EMF radiation exposure and a large number of illnesses and related medical syndromes. These include some forms of cancer, cardiac illness, diabetes, neurodegenerative illnesses, and other chronic life threatening diseases, as well as the increasing number of sufferers from Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) or “microwave sickness.” Although continuous EMF radiation exposure can endanger the entire population, its risks fall most acutely on the most vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant women and fetuses, and poor and minority populations that are least able to escape from increasing densification of cell towers and EMF. The NIH, CDC, and NIEHS Directors to whom the letter was addressed failed even to acknowledge our letter. Their arrogant indifference is a national disgrace.

We can understand this response from the CDC whose reputation as a champion of public health has sharply declined in recent years given its dismal performance in handling the COVID epidemic and lead poisoning of drinking water. The CDC appears to be a politicized and captive agency. The indifference from NIEHS, however, is surprising and disappointing given its outstanding reputation as a highly professional, science-based agency whose past outstanding directors included Linda Birnbaum, Kenneth Olden, and Nobel Laureate Martin Rodbell. BBILAN and many other public interest science and legal organizations  seeking balanced and unbiased scientific research applaud NIEHS for the 10 year study it commissioned with its National Toxicology Program. This study confirmed that continuous and cumulative EMF radiation exposure produced the identical cancerous tumors in rats as other researchers are reporting in humans. Given its high scientific credibility and reputation for integrity, it is difficult to comprehend why the NIEHS has not even proffered a reply  explaining its reasoning that some form of National Victims Registry is not timely and urgent. 

This blog comments on the implications of the federal government’s present policy to ignore and to bury the national health challenge of illnesses related to continuous and cumulative EMF radiation exposure.

General Considerations

  • Unattended, the plight of those suffering from continuous and cumulative EMF radiation exposure will worsen. Moreover, the number of victims will also increase dramatically, as the levels of cumulative exposure by emissions from present and new wireless facilities rise to unsafe levels. The situation will be significantly intensified if any of the wireless industry sponsored bills (the most prominent of these being HR 3557) passes, as these bills are intended to restrict state and local ability to adapt resiliently to significant threats to public health and wellbeing.

  • Under the euphemism of “streamlining,” the effect of these bills, if not their main purpose, is to shift the risk of radiation exposure entirely onto the public and away from the wireless industry that is in the best position to control it.

  • This shifting of the burden of proof on risk is part of a well-coordinated lobbying effort to secure an unexamined huge national regulatory subsidy likely worth billions of dollars to the wireless industry, while the entire costs of injury are being imposed on an unwary public, without notice or public hearings, and without any viable means to defray the subsequent medical and other health care costs such as insurance or administrative or judicial compensation.

  • It is important to acknowledge the stark value statement that the indifference of these agencies reflects. Their silence speaks volumes. The lack of response is effectively an admission that they intend to protect industry profits even when thousands or even millions are suffering; and all signs indicate the consequences of inaction will soon get far worse, especially for those who are poor, disabled, disadvantaged, or defenseless. All three agencies fervently proclaim a desire for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, but it is clear that they have no intent to do anything that might upset their industry masters.

  • In sum, the callous indifference of these public health agencies is intended to make a national tragedy disappear by ignoring it. But it cannot, it will not be ignored.

 A Resilient Response

  •  As set forth in the letter to the CDC-NIEHS-NIH, the first purpose of the proposed National Registry is to extend official recognition to a national health challenge. This single act in itself has great value, as it will provide data for policy makers and set a path for relief for the victims. As in other countries, like Japan, such relief can take many forms, including a national and state laws for compensation for those suffering from EMF radiation harms, new regulations, development of innovative insurance programs and, following the precedent of tobacco, mass tort litigation.

  • Fortunately, there is an immediate and tangible first response. In February 2024 the Massachusetts Legislature will vote to pass H2158 which will establish the first Registry of its kind in the U.S. Massachusetts is already fortunate in that it has a concerned U.S. Senator, Edward Markey, who is among a very few members of Congress to have the courage and public concern to present legislation (See COPPA 2.0) for the protection of children who are being endangered by social media products.

  • It is imperative that all those who are reading this blog contact Courtney Gilardi who is leading a state and national initiative to secure the passage of H2158, or to contact its sponsor, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, directly.


 The Wireless Juggernaut appears invincible. It  cuts through the federal government like a scythe through wheat. But the public possesses, ultimately, the power, and our cause is reasonable, balanced, and just.

 Great changes can begin in small steps. A national movement to support the passage of H2158 is one such small-great step. It will establish an important precedent. And It will strike a spark that will embolden a long overdue shift toward common decency.



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