2023-12-16 International Declaration for the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age—Leveling the Playing Field

Presentation by Julian Gresser, Co-Founder BBILAN at a webinar sponsored by Americans for Responsible Technology on International Declaration for the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age — December 13, 2023

The intention of the International Children’s Declaration is to level the playing field and to shift the burden of proof, on behalf of children and their parents, to purveyors of products and services that are extracting huge profits by injuring them.

My presentation will make three essential points:


  • Children (up to age 18) in the Digital Age are at special risk. I define “risk” as:

    Risk = (Probability that an event will occur) x (Potential damage)

  • The probability that children will be seriously injured in some way or another from electronic products, including cell phones, computers, smart meters, cell towers in and around schools and their homes, by my estimate must be well over 50%, and in some cases the injuries can be fatal.

    • The situation for children is far more egregious than for adults: ➢ Children are biologically more vulnerable.
      Children are far more prone to addiction.

    • Children are dependent on adults for protection.

  • But the situation is becoming far worse. Children and their parents are trapped.

    • In the case of screen time addiction, the social media companies are actually intending to harm children (by addicting them) because their own computer algorithms are designed to addict. The greater the addiction, the greater the corporate profits.

    • Neither parents nor children are given a fair opportunity to withhold consent.

    • Cell tower purveyors are regularly locating cell towers within school properties, and in some cases in playgrounds and on top of school buildings. School administrators are permitting this situation either because they fear being sued by the wireless companies, or because they are being given grants to accelerate wireless deployment.

    • The federal and state governments in the U.S. and other countries are accelerating wireless-dependent infrastructure which will greatly increase the risks to children.

    • There is no relief available to children and their parents. Affordable insurance from reputable insurance companies is not available; and no administrative system exists to provide relief or compensation. The courts have not been receptive, even when parents have the financial means to litigate.

    • In short, 100% of the risks are on children and their families.


The Declaration is intended to affirm the basic proposition that the intentional injury and exploitation of children (here highlighting screen time addiction and illnesses associated with continuous and cumulative EMF exposure from wireless devices) violates the basic human rights of the child, recognized by the UN, European, and other Conventions as well as international customary law. The Declaration therefore establishes a foundation for legal action in national courts and international agencies and tribunals.


Next Steps: The Declaration is designed to provide a collaborative framework for legal, administrative, and grassroots actions that can be immediately implemented, taking advantage of the fact that the offenses being committed and the injuries inflicted are similar, the legal theories are common, and the defendants in some cases are identical and or of the same basic breed.

My organization, BBILAN, in collaboration with Americans for Responsible Technology, Children’s Health Defense, and other groups in Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and South Africa, is willing to assist parties around the world in supporting actions such as:

  • Joining or filing Amicus briefs in screen time addiction cases in the U.S., or supporting parties in other countries in litigating these cases based on similar legal theories.

  • Providing strategic and tactical advice in negotiations.

  • Assisting in preparing draft ordinances and laws.

  • Preparing parties for testimony and appearing on their behalf before international tribunals.

  • Launching in March 2024 an international skills training program designed to enable advocates to strengthen their integral resilience—their life force—in navigating these formidable challenges.


Children and their parents in every community are bearing all the risks of wireless digital products and services without being informed and without their consent, and for the profits of the purveyors of these products. This is a fundamental miscarriage of justice and human rights that affects all children. An evolutionary shift in values is required where the protection of children, who are stewards of future generations, comes first.


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